Jonathan Shepard- Jordan

Brother Jonathan Shepard was born in 1985 in Southeast Missouri. His parents later moved their family to North Alabama where his grandfather pastored. In 1997 his parents felt the call of God to go to the country of Jordan where at age 12 he began learning the Arabic language and culture.

In 2005, Brother Jonathan traveled back to the United States and married his wife, Pamela. He was blessed with an excellent job and two wonderful children, Aubrey and Andrew. Brother Jonathan and Sister Pamela were greatly involved in their church as youth leaders, Sunday School teachers, and musicians. However, they both felt a burden to do more for the Kingdom and were praying for direction.

In 2010, after serving thirteen years on the mission field, Brother Jonathan’s parents returned from Jordan to Alabama. Following Brother Jonathan’s grandfather’s passing, His father became the pastor of that church. The following two years were a struggle for the work his parents had begun in southern Jordan, as various interim ministers stepped in to assist. During this time God began to put a heavy burden on Brother Jonathan and Sister Pamela to return to the country where he had spent his teen years growing up. In 2012, after many confirmations, they answered God’s call and left for the Middle East.

Currently they are leading five and six meetings a week with two congregations in one rented building. Over the past six years they have preached the gospel to over 20 nationalities. In addition to preaching and teaching Apostolic Doctrine and promoting Biblical worship, they are equipping their congregations with tools to hold Bible Studies in homes, hotels, and resorts with a vision to reach many more who are living and working in Jordan. The Shepards are grateful to be a part of what God is doing among the International community as well as the Arab population in this strategic location in the Middle East.